We would like to give special thanks to the following organizations / sources, without which this project would not have been able to be what it is today:
Android Studio - the official Integrated Development Environment for creating Android applications, developed by Google. Powered by the IntelliJ Platform.
Gradle is a build tool focusing on build automation, offering a flexible model that supports the entire software development lifecycle.
Credits to Google for supplying us with coding tutorials for Android, guidelines for Google Material Design and the whole Android operating system to begin with.
GitHub is a web-based repository and internet hosting Git service, mostly used to host code. With GitHub, we were able to import 3 useful libraries for FullUse.
Java is an object-orientated programming language. It is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere".
SQLite - the lite version of MySQL, used through Android SQLiteDatabase. Supports basic SQL commands for table manipulation.