Here is a compilation of photos and videos taken of previous versions of FullUse. Click on each photo to see it in full detail!
Pre-Proposal Evaluation
The very first app logo, designed while FullUse still had its blue theme, a colour associated with productivity. It is a clock and the light blue circular arrow symbolises making FullUse of your time.
The first rendition of the Dashboard. Initially supposed to contain Free Time Events and various statistics - how many Short Term Tasks in the list, how many Short Term Tasks completed.
A section of the second Dashboard rendition. Added a new statistic - How many Short Term Tasks due within 2 days. This idea was eventually abandoned after the Proposal Evaluation.
The first rendition of the Smart To Do List. Features such as Priority Sort, bolding of important tasks, completion of tasks were completed. Free Time still did not work yet.
Final version of the Dashboard presented to judges during the Proposal Evaluation. The navy blue was changed to Material Light Blue 500. Note how FullUse still had 2 tabs at this point.
Pre-Mid Term Evaluation
The second version of the app logo, changed to a green template to match the atmosphere of FullUse after the addition of the Tree and to give it a more cheerful look.
The first version of the Fully Grown Tree at 100% Hydration, done using polygon vector art and the software Inkscape.
The first version of the Sapling at 100% Hydration. Done using the same methods and also based on the same triangular leaves.
The first version of the Shoot at 100% Hydration. Enlarged to include more detail of the germinated seed and the ground particles. Special effort was placed into constructing the colour palatte.
The first version of the Seed at 100% Hydration. It resembles an oak tree seed. The Seed is the only stage which has only 2 Hydration States - Hydrated or Wilted. Take extra care of it!
A video depicting the new ViewPager interface for adding Short Term Tasks. This was changed from our "menu"-like interface present in pre-Proposal Evaluation versions.
A video featuring the first user interface of the new integrated Event Calendar. Uses a sleek CompactCalendarView. Errors like overshooting names were still present.
A video featuring the calculation of free time without double-counting overlapping events. Note how the amount of free time remains constant despite event2 running concurrently with event1.
This is the dialog which opens when the Task Title of a Short Term Task is tapped on. Users can edit the 3 fields - Title, Priority as well as Due Date in a menu form.
This is a video showing the upgraded UI for adding events. The WheelPickers have been switched to TimePicker and DatePickers. Specific keywords like "graded" allow for quick Long Term Task creation.
Pre-Final Evaluation
The final app logo. It incoporates the new flat design tree drawables to highlight FullUse's special feature. The two arrows signify going round the clock and making FullUse of your time.
The final design of the Full Tree. After being encouraged to make the tree look more cartoonish, we decided on Flat Design. In FullUse, the clouds are animated, thanks to AnimatedVectorDrawawble.
The final design of the Sapling, also with the same sort of Flat Design. The Sapling has fewer leaves and is shorter than the Full Tree. Clouds are also animated with AnimatedVectorDrawable in FullUse.
The final design of the Shoot at 100% Hydration. Instead of showing the Seed like the previous Drawables, we decided on using rect()s with smooth, circular edges to create the roots.
The final design of the Seed at 100% Hydration. It is also based off a flat design adaptaion of an oak tree seed. The colour scheme was twisted to light brown to contrast the seed a tad more.